Project to Milestones Q&A round-up


I've missed some of your newsletters but I'm interested in seeing what others have asked about working with Milestones Professional and Microsoft Project.  Can you point me in the right direction?



Yes, we have had a number of questions about our Project interface.  Here is a good selection.  Click a Question title to go to its answer.  For a complete list, from within the knowledgebase choose Contents | KnowledgeBase Q&A Topics | Work with Microsoft Project.

Trying to find a symbol that is linked to a UID in Microsoft Project

I have a rather large schedule.  I am trying to see a report or search for a Unique ID that is linked to my project.  Task Unique ID 144 for example.  I have a couple hundred symbols linked and I want to find the symbol that 144 is linked to

Strategies for creating presentation schedules and updating them when Microsoft Project dates change

I want to create a chart like this one on your web site and update it from Microsoft Project.  Any tips?   I plan to show mostly finish dates.

Suggested symbols and bars for "Birds on a Wire" charts

I like the "Birds on a Wire" charts I have seen made in PowerPoint.  I know these are easier in Milestones. Can you give me a clue how to make mine look like this with Milestones (sample made in PowerPoint)?

Birds on a wire my way

I want to create a “birds on a wire” chart from my Microsoft Project schedule.  I really need to be able to tell Milestones exactly where to put each task and exactly which dates I need.  What’s the best way to do this?

Change indicator symbols after importing from Project

My schedule was imported from Project using the Stoplight Indicators template.  I would like to change the colors of the indicators.  Is there a way to do this?

Code your Microsoft Project file for fast one page schedules

My Microsoft Project schedule is just unwieldy, about 10,000 tasks.  I would like to be able to pick certain tasks that are in Microsoft Project and show ONLY those tasks and group them together in about 5 groups. Part of the problem is that the tasks aren't together in Microsoft Project.  Is there any way to get these related tasks to appear in a group on my presentation chart?

Filter to bring in just part of a Microsoft Project plan

When I am importing an Microsoft Project plan, Microsoft Project loads all tasks (and Milestones) of the plan. That's too much because the plan consists more than 2500 tasks. Only the major work packages, not every task are relevant to the report I want from Milestones Professional. Is there a way to only load certain tasks such as up to level 3?

Import flagged tasks, only

I have a lengthy Microsoft Project schedule, yet only want to display 50 or so tasks in Milestones. Can I import only flagged tasks from Microsoft Project?


For a complete list, from within the knowledgebase choose Contents | KnowledgeBase Q&A Topics | Work with Microsoft Project.










Related topics

Import from Microsoft Project (Milestones Help)

Build and tag a schedule for refresh (Milestones Help)

Link a symbol to Microsoft Project (Milestones Help)






Applies to Milestones Professional:      2019        2021        2023






The fast easy way to schedule your projects:  Milestones Software by KIDASA Software, Inc.

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