Symbol date as a countdown


I want to schedule a 100 day project with start and end dates for tasks, as well as a countdown (instead of tradition symbol date formats) to the completion date. How can I do this?



You can change the symbol date format to Day from start of schedule, Month from start of schedule, and more. This setting is under Dates | Date Related Settings | Symbol Date Format.

Optionally, you can enter a starting number which will override the default of zero. If you enter a negative number, the date format becomes a "countdown" from that negative number to zero and beyond.

Here is an example of such an entry:


The countdown (in this example: -110, -109, -108...-1, 0, 1, 2,...) begins at the schedule start date.












Related topics

Symbol text (Milestones Help)

Symbol notes (Milestones Help)








Applies to Milestones Professional:      2017        2019         2021         2023









The fast easy way to schedule your projects:  Milestones Software by KIDASA Software, Inc.

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