Answer:Short Answer...
Long Answer... If you do not use a status symbol for determining percent complete, then midnight is the default separator between days for determining a status date and thus the percent complete. For example, if you have a 5-day task and you want to show 72% complete, then that is not possible because there is not a midnight divider between any of those days which would result in 72% complete. Milestones will display the nearest possible value, such as 60% or 80% in the last example. Thus, it's best to turn on hourly (and sometime minute) detail and to use a status symbol, as described in the steps above. If no status symbol is used, then the status date/time is derived by setting a date/time offset, which will cause the percent complete to change as the current date changes.
Show percent symbol on a task row |
Applies to Milestones Professional: 2019 2021 2023
The fast easy way to schedule your projects: Milestones Software by KIDASA Software, Inc.
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